The Irving Grid Irving

Friday Will Be Warm, Windy

The National Weather Service reported, “Expect a warm start to the weekend, with afternoon highs in the 70s and 80s today and tomorrow.” The National Weather Service has warned of a warm weekend with afternoon highs in the 70s and 80s expected. Gusty conditions are expected this afternoon, with gusts reaching up to 35-40 mph. Make sure to secure outdoor objects and take caution when driving high-profile vehicles. Saturday will be calmer, with winds expected to be 10-15 mph and gusts up to 25 mph.

Friday Will Be Warm, Windy

Publicado : Hace 2 meses por Abbey Bowling en Weather

DALLAS (KDAF) — The National Weather Service reported, “Expect a warm start to the weekend, with afternoon highs in the 70s and 80s today and tomorrow. Gusty conditions are expected this afternoon with speeds 15-25 mph and gusts up to 35-40 mph. Make sure to secure outdoor objects so they do not blow away, and to take caution when driving high-profile vehicles. Winds on Saturday will be tamer, with speeds 10-15 mph and gusts up to 25 mph.”

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